IKSRE is Phoebe Dubar - vocalist, multi instrumentalist, producer and sound healer from Naarm/Melbourne. It stands for “I Keep Seeing Rainbows Everywhere”.

coming up: an ambient mini-festival

On Saturday, 22 March at the Abbotsford Convent - a day of beautiful music to dream to, will echo from the Oratory.

Clariloops, Zoltan Fecso, Willebrant and Matt Wicking - and me, doing my loopy synthy ambient bangers.

Tickets on sale now via Humanitix

Upcoming Dates

Thursday, 6 March

Emergent Sound for Resonant Bodies at Brunswick Music Festival.

Shell Space, Brunswick.


Saturday, 22 March

Warm Mids Afternoon feat IKSRE, Clariloops, Zoltan Fecso, Willebrant and Matt Wicking.

Abbotsford Convent.
